The Joint Learning Program

The Joint Learning Program (JLP) provides a unique opportunity for unionized public servants and their managers in the Core Public Administration to come together to build a healthier, more productive workplace. The JLP is mandated to improve workplace relationships and deepen understanding of the respective roles and responsibilities of the Union and the Employer in the workplace. Participants can choose to take part in one of seven different workshops, each of which has been designed to achieve the goals of the JLP. Each workshop is led by trained volunteer facilitators, who come from the Union and from the management.

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  • JLP celebrates the return to in-person workshops!

    The JLP announces a return to in-person workshops.

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  • The JLP releases an updated Preventing Harassment and Violence in the Workplace

    The JLP is releasing an updated version of their popular workshop Preventing Harassment and Violence in the Workplace

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  • May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

    The JLP recognizes May 17, International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

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